Where Unreal Meets Reality

Exploring the Principle of Correspondence in Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science


The Hidden Meaning of ‘As Above, So Below’


There is a secret principle woven across the enormous fabric of reality that ties everything together. The fundamental interconnectivity of the universe is reflected in this notion, which is called correspondence.

The idea of correspondence has impacted many intellectual and mystical traditions, from ancient wisdom to contemporary science.

We shall delve into the nuances of this idea in this post, examining its hidden significance and applicability in the modern world.

Through comprehending and accepting Correspondence, we may improve society overall in addition to our own lives.

Where Did These Concepts Come From?

A fictitious representation of Thoth, the mythological god who spent more than two millennia in Atlantis and Egypt, is Hermes. During his lifetime, he was referred to as the Master of the Masters and was well-known worldwide.

The depth of this man’s wisdom and teachings so impressed the Egyptians that they elevated him to the status of one of their gods, Thoth. Later, the Greek civilization adopted him as one of their own gods and dubbed him Hermes, the God of Wisdom. He was revered as the Gods’ Messenger.

The attractiveness of the Hermetic teachings is worldwide; they can be found in all countries and religions. The term “Kyballion” refers to a collection of fundamental hermetic maxims, axioms, and precepts that were originally taught from teacher to pupil.

The Seven Great Hermetic Principles

The principles of truth are seven; He who knows these, understandingly, possesses the magic key before whose touch all the doors of the temple fly open. – The Kyballion

“The all is mind; the universe is mental.” – The Kyballion

The idea that everything in the cosmos was made by thought or mind is embodied in this concept. Nothing in the tangible cosmos can be said to be different from this.

As above so below: as below, so above. – The Kyballion

This law states that the ideas and pictures we have in our minds, whether conscious or subconscious, will reflect themselves in circumstances outside of ourselves. Our inner world is reflected in the outside world.

We won’t have any money if we think about poverty. Our physical bodies will show the effects of our thoughts and pictures of poor health.

The ideas and pictures we keep in our minds will take on a physical form in our environment. This law is constantly in effect, whether for good or bad. We can use this law to our advantage rather than to harm us if we grasp it.

The life of Sathya Sai Baba offers the most profound example of how this law is put to use. Everything that he believes comes to pass instantaneously, even materially.

He claims that all it takes to create tangible things with the wave of his hand is thought and visualization of the desired outcome. This law is the same; it’s just faster. Earth serves as a training ground for these mental and spiritual control rules.

Consider the consequences if the typical individual on the street were able to quickly materialize his thoughts in the same way that Sai Baba does. At this vibrational level, he might perhaps physically kill someone if he harbored nasty thoughts about them.

The Correspondence Principle: Filling the Gap

The profound concept of the principle of correspondence emphasizes how interconnected all facets of existence are. It reveals patterns that are repeated throughout several fields, acting as a link between traditional knowledge and modern research.

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According to this theory, information from different eras and civilizations converges and entwines, resulting in a more profound comprehension of the connection between the macrocosm and the microcosm.

We can have a deeper comprehension of how everything is interconnected by looking for correspondence in the environment we live in. It pushes us to develop as astute observers of both the outside and the inside of ourselves.

We can obtain a deep understanding of the nature of reality by identifying the relationships and patterns both inside and outside of ourselves.

Developing Personal Development via Communication

Gaining an understanding of the principle of correspondence gives us the ability to control our reality and move through life with more purpose and wisdom.

It makes the relationship between the macrocosm and the microcosm clear, exposing limitless potential and countless possibilities.

Journaling, meditation, and visualization exercises are examples of introspective techniques that can help you fully utilize the potential of correspondence.

We can evolve as individuals and recognize internal patterns through these techniques. We may create the reality of our dreams by directing our energy frequency and vibration in that direction.

Deep changes in our relationships also result from developing personal growth and seeing ourselves in others.

Another essential component of correspondence is effective communication. It takes empathy and attentive listening to create enduring relationships.

We can develop stronger bonds and harmonious relationships by realizing how intertwined our internal and exterior environments are.

Learning to Communicate in Everyday Situations

We can implement several strategies to completely incorporate the correspondence principle into our day-to-day activities. Being cognizant of our ideas and how they relate to our world requires mindfulness.

Through the practice of mindfulness, we can direct our thoughts toward the results we want.

Maintaining a journal is an effective way to monitor and spot trends in our internal and external experiences. It enables us to understand our feelings, ideas, and actions better.

Positive change can be effected in our reality by using affirmations to reshape our attitudes and beliefs.

Our inner and outer worlds are intertwined, and synchronicities—meaningful coincidences that correspond with our thoughts and emotions—serve as a constant reminder of this.

Through identifying and appreciating synchronicities, we develop a more profound understanding of the conversation between our inner and outer selves.

Keeping our internal states in line with our ideal reality requires us to maintain harmony and balance within.

The concept of correspondence connects our inner and outer worlds, and tools such as astrology and tarot cards can help unveil our hidden emotions and thoughts.

Conversely, sacred geometry expands our comprehension of correspondence by demonstrating how everything is interconnected.

Getting Over Obstacles and Creating Our Reality

It’s crucial to remember that the principle of correspondence transcends the notion of the Law of Attraction as it has become popular. Correspondence offers a more comprehensive knowledge of the interdependence of all things, whereas the Law of Attraction concentrates on expressing wishes.

It takes awareness, perseverance, and active involvement in creating our reality to overcome obstacles.

When it comes to creating our world with conscious thoughts and deeds, consistency is crucial. We can progressively bring about major changes in our reality by applying the principle of correspondence steadily and consistently.

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Not only does sharing our growth and experiences with others foster community learning and development, but it also disseminates the wisdom of correspondence for the good of society at large.

Here are some specific examples of how to incorporate the principle of Correspondence into our daily lives:

Mindfulness Practice:

Give yourself a few moments of awareness to start the day. Breathe deeply a few times, center yourself, and focus on the here and now.

Throughout the day, intentionally try to notice how your thoughts, feelings, and outside experiences line up. Observe how your mental state affects how you see the outside environment.


Make time every day to write in your diary about your feelings, ideas, and experiences. Keep an eye out for any themes or patterns that keep coming up.

Examine the possible connections between these patterns and the more significant patterns in your life. You can learn a lot about how your inner world and outer reality correspond by keeping a journal.


Affirmations can help you change your attitudes and beliefs. Make a list of affirmations that support your ideal world and repeat them frequently.

You can affect your thoughts and feelings, which in turn can affect how you perceive the outside world, by reaffirming your positive beliefs. To nurture abundance in your life, for instance, you may repeat affirmations like “I am open to receiving abundance in all areas of my life.”

Synchronicity Awareness:

Keep an eye out for synchronicities, which are significant coincidences that happen to you. When opportunities, people, or events match your desires, emotions, or ideas, take note of them.

These coincidences act as a gentle reminder that your inner and outer worlds are intertwined. Recognize and value them since they can offer direction and support during your trip.

Balancing Internal and External Harmony:

Make an effort to keep harmony and balance inside yourself. Ensure your mental, emotional, and physical health. Take part in things that make you happy and fulfilled.

Make sure you surround yourself with supportive people and cultivate healthy interactions. You lay a strong foundation for bringing your internal states into line with your intended reality by taking care of your inner world.

Recall that maintaining consistency and purposefulness in your practice is crucial. By applying these illustrations to your day-to-day activities, you can enhance your comprehension of Correspondence and take an active role in creating your own world.

In summary

There is a deeper significance to the notion of correspondence that reaches beyond time and ties us into the grand scheme of things. We may improve our individual lives and advance society by adopting this idea.

We can realize our infinite potential by engaging in self-reflection, practicing mindfulness, and directing our thoughts and behaviors toward the reality we want to create.

Inspired by the idea of Correspondence, let us set out on a path of self-discovery and progress to create a world where wisdom and interconnectivity rule.


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