Delve into the ancient wisdom that unlocks the secrets of Christ as substance, the metaphor of the Tree of Life, and the existence of a sacred secretion oil in the human body.
Explore the impact of the Council of Nicaea, the manipulation of calendars, and the importance of embracing astrology.
Christ as Substance: An Alchemical Interpretation
Christ is not merely a historical figure or a divine being, but rather a sacred oil or ointment that resides within the human body.
The early Christians, particularly the Essenes, understood the scriptures, whether in Hebrew or Greek, as allegories based on the intricate design of the human body.
In this context, Christ is seen as the sacred oil that flows through the spinal cord, connecting it to the sacred plexus at the base of the spine.
The Secret of Sacred Transmutation
The secret or secretion that originates from the pituitary and pineal glands. This sacred substance travels down the spinal column, ultimately reaching the sex organs.
Charged with electric soul power, this substance holds the potential to create new life. However, the ancient alchemists emphasized the importance of using this energy wisely and understanding the body’s rhythms to transmute the sexual energy into higher spiritual realms.
The Tree of Life: A Metaphor for the Human Body
Contrary to common belief, the Tree of Life, often portrayed as a physical place, is actually a metaphor for the human body. Just like a tree with its branches spreading out, our bodies possess an intricate network of nerves that resemble the branches of the Tree of Life.
The brain, serving as the root of this metaphorical tree, is connected to various components such as the cerebellum and spinal cord, which play crucial roles in this symbolic representation.
Council of Nicaea: Editing the Spiritual Narrative
History took a significant turn with the convening of the Council of Nicaea. This pivotal event becomes a focal point in our exploration. The council, called together by Constantine, played a crucial role in the canonization and editing of the Bible.
During this process, certain texts were eliminated, shaping the religious narrative we are familiar with today. But what specific texts were discarded? What knowledge did they contain that was deemed unfit for the religious establishment?
Time Manipulation: Changing Calendars and Seasons
The manipulation of time is a topic that cannot be ignored. It is a subject that sheds light on deliberate changes made to calendars and seasons by those in power.
The invention of the Julian calendar and subsequent modifications were not mere adjustments; they were strategic maneuvers aimed at keeping the world in ignorance.
By distorting the understanding of cosmic laws and cycles, the controllers perpetuated a distorted version of reality. But how did these changes suppress our understanding of cosmic truths? What were the consequences of altering times and seasons?
Embracing Astrology: Decoding Cosmic Influences
In our quest for ancient wisdom, we must not overlook the significance of astrology. Contrary to popular dismissals, astrology holds profound insights into our lives.
When we delve into the rich tapestry of ancient wisdom, we gain a deeper understanding of the cosmic influences that shape our existence.
The Alchemical Essence: Secret Secretion Oil Unveiled
At the heart of this phenomenon lies the concept of a secret secretion oil???an alchemical essence that is both sacred and mysterious. This divine substance is intricately woven into the fabric of our physical existence, specifically within the spinal cord.
By unraveling the mysteries surrounding this secret oil, we gain profound insights into the essence of Christ and its role within us. How can we uncover evidence to support the existence of this secret secretion oil? What clues lie within our own bodies?
Solar Plexus and the Cosmic Connection
The ancient mystery of the solar plexus takes center stage in our exploration.
We delve into its connection to the solar system and how the Essenes, with their profound understanding, saw it as a pivotal point where cosmic energies intersect with the human body.
With the esoteric teachings that link this sacred region to the planets, we embark on a cosmic dance that influences our spiritual journey.
Jacobs Ladder: A Spiritual Ascent Through the Spine’s 33 Vertebrae
The symbolism behind Jacob’s Ladder is unveiled as we explore the spiritual ascent through the spine’s 33 vertebrae. Just as Jacob dreamt of a ladder connecting heaven and earth, our own spine serves as a pathway to higher realms.
Each vertebra represents a step in our spiritual journey, guiding us towards enlightenment and connection with the divine. What wisdom lies within this ancient symbol? How can we ascend this spiritual ladder within ourselves?
Examples of texts that were considered heretical and excluded from the Bible
During the canonization and editing of the Bible at the Council of Nicaea, there were various texts that were considered heretical and excluded from the final canonized version. Here are a few examples:
The Gospel of Thomas: This Gnostic gospel contains a collection of sayings attributed to Jesus. It emphasizes the importance of self-discovery and inner enlightenment, presenting a more mystical and esoteric approach to spirituality.
The Gospel of Mary Magdalene: This text presents Mary Magdalene as a prominent disciple of Jesus and includes dialogues between her and the other disciples. It offers a unique perspective on the role of women in early Christianity.
The Gospel of Judas: This controversial text portrays Judas Iscariot in a different light, suggesting that his actions were part of a divine plan. It challenges the traditional narrative of Judas as a traitor and explores the complexities of his relationship with Jesus.
The Gospel of Peter: This gospel provides an alternative account of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. It offers additional details and perspectives not found in the canonical gospels.
The Infancy Gospel of Thomas: This text describes the childhood of Jesus, presenting stories of his miracles and supernatural abilities as a young boy. It offers a glimpse into Jesus’ life before his public ministry.
These are just a few examples of texts that were considered heretical and excluded from the canonized Bible. Their exclusion highlights the diverse range of beliefs and perspectives that existed within early Christianity.
Relation to the “Enuma Elish
The “Enuma Elish” is an ancient Babylonian creation myth that predates the biblical accounts of creation. While it is not directly related to the texts excluded from the Bible, there are some interesting connections and parallels that can be drawn.
The “Enuma Elish” describes the creation of the world through a series of divine battles and the emergence of the gods.
It tells the story of the god Marduk, who defeats the chaotic goddess Tiamat and establishes order in the universe. This epic myth served as a foundation for the religious beliefs and cosmology of ancient Babylon.
In comparison, the excluded texts from the Bible, such as the Gnostic gospels, also present alternative perspectives on creation and spirituality.
They offer different interpretations of the divine and challenge the traditional narratives found in the canonical texts.
One notable parallel between the “Enuma Elish” and some of the excluded texts is the emphasis on hidden knowledge and spiritual enlightenment.
Just as the “Enuma Elish” highlights the power and wisdom of the gods, the Gnostic gospels, like the Gospel of Thomas, explore the idea of inner enlightenment and the divine spark within individuals.
Both the “Enuma Elish” and the excluded texts from the Bible reflect the diversity of religious beliefs and mythologies that existed in ancient times.
They provide us with a glimpse into the complexity of human spirituality and the different ways in which people seek to understand the mysteries of existence.
While the “Enuma Elish” itself is not considered a heretical text in relation to the Bible, its presence as a parallel mythological narrative invites us to explore the broader context in which religious ideas and stories developed in ancient civilizations.
It highlights the rich tapestry of human thought and the interconnectedness of various cultural and religious traditions throughout history.
In essence, while the excluded texts from the Bible and the “Enuma Elish” may not have a direct relationship, they both contribute to our understanding of the diverse range of beliefs and mythologies that have shaped human spirituality and the quest for meaning.
In this captivating exploration of ancient wisdom, we have delved into the esoteric realms of theology, philosophy, and wordplay.
The ancient text we have uncovered challenges our preconceived notions and offers unconventional perspectives on Christ, the Tree of Life, and the secrets hidden within the human body.
We have examined the impact of the Council of Nicaea on the editing of the Bible, explored the manipulation of time through calendars and seasons, and embraced astrology as a means to decode cosmic influences.
Central to our journey is the concept of a secret secretion oil, an alchemical essence woven into the fabric of our physical existence. By unraveling these mysteries, we gain profound insights and a deeper understanding of the ancient wisdom that has shaped our world.
What specific texts were eliminated during the canonization and editing of the Bible at the Council of Nicaea?
During the canonization and editing of the Bible at the Council of Nicaea, specific texts were deemed unfit for inclusion in the religious establishment’s narrative.
While the exact texts that were eliminated may not be explicitly mentioned in historical records, it is known that certain writings, such as the Gnostic Gospels, were considered heretical and were not included in the final canonized version of the Bible.
These texts offered alternative perspectives and challenged the established religious beliefs of the time.
How did the manipulation of calendars and seasons suppress the understanding of cosmic laws and cycles?
The manipulation of calendars and seasons had a profound impact on suppressing the understanding of cosmic laws and cycles.
By altering the measurement of time and distorting the natural rhythm of the seasons, those in power sought to keep the world in ignorance. The Julian calendar, for example, was introduced to align with political and religious agendas, disregarding the natural cycles of the cosmos.
This manipulation created a distorted version of reality, disconnecting humanity from the inherent wisdom of the universe.
What evidence is there to support the existence of a secret secretion oil in the human body?
While the concept of a secret secretion oil is not widely accepted in mainstream science, there are intriguing theories and ancient teachings that suggest its existence.
The ancient text we have explored provides insights into this divine substance that flows through the spinal cord.
Additionally, various esoteric traditions and practices, such as Kundalini Yoga, Tantra, and Taoist alchemy, mention the awakening and cultivation of a subtle energy known as “kundalini” or “chi” that resides within the body.
These practices offer experiential evidence of the existence of a powerful energy that can be harnessed and transmuted for spiritual growth and transformation.